
类型 : 工程塑料
品牌 : 日本出光
种类 : SPS
价格 : 电询   021-58958519
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阿里巴巴店铺地址: http://songhanplas.1688.com
  021-58958519     13061808058(蒋先生)   13424755533(赵先生)  
点击这里给我发消息  上海松翰塑胶
点击这里给我发消息 上海松翰塑胶


材料标识 : ABS,颜色 : 透明/Transparent,UL编号 : E41797,厂商品牌 : Toyolac ,用途 : 家具设备、数码家用电器、特別用途、一般生活用品、家用电器,材料特性 : 阻燃、耐冲击,材料形状 : 颗粒状/Resin, (更多..)
ADIPRENE DURACAST S930 is an MDI-terminated polyester prepolymer having low free MDI content. A high performance 93A elastomer with excellent physical properties is obtained when this prepolymer is chain extended with DURACURE™ C3 or C3-LF. Other advantages are improved processing characteristics and easier management of health & safety during handling.

The unique combination of properties exhibited by low free MDI prepolymers is superior to those available from TDI and conventional MDI prepolymers. DURACAST prepolymers cured with DURACURE C3 or C3-LF provide a superior hard segment and offer unique processing and productivity improvements. This high performance hard segment offers excellent physical and engineering properties, including high cut and tear resistance, improved flex fatigue, low temperature flexibility, excellent dynamics (at both low and high temperatures) and other high temperature properties. Traditionally, amine cures could not be used with MDI prepolymers due to high reactivity (short pot life) even though they offer some performance advantages such as high temperature resistance and tear properties. It also offers EH&S advantages as it is based on low free monomer technology and is a MBOCA free system. (更多..)
PLURIS9300 is a Quateropolymer produced with Spherilene technology and is a LLDPE with unique properties, such as high stiffness associated with toughness. It is easier to process than conventional LLDPE with the same melt index and shows very good bubble stability. Films obtained with this product have very low gel values. It contains processing Aid, antioxidant and antiblock additives.

Heavy-duty bags; liners, LDPE and HDPE blends; packages for general use. (更多..)
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