四川得阳PPS 商品价格以来电报价为准

类型 : 工程塑料
品牌 : 四川得阳PPS
种类 : PPS
价格 : 电询   021-58958519
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阿里巴巴店铺地址: http://songhanplas.1688.com
  021-58958519     13061808058(蒋先生)   13424755533(赵先生)  
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断裂伸长率 : 1.8%,拉伸强度 : 120MPa,密度 : 1.51g/cm3,规格级别 : 玻纤增强,缺口冲击强度 : 10.8,成型收缩率 : 0.5%,特性级别 : 增强级,用途:在电子电器行业用途广泛,制作连接器、接线器、分频器及各种仪器仪表的部件、外壳等;在航天航空工业中制作高强度、耐高温、绝缘的各种高性能要求薄壁制件;军工产品中制作精密电器接插件、高强度外壳、耐高温接触器等。 备注:力学性能好、抗蠕变、耐高温、耐磨、阻燃、耐化学腐蚀、电绝缘性能优、耐电弧性好等特点,更有加工性能好,成型收缩率小、尺寸稳定、耐辐射等特点,特别适宜加工薄壁制件。 (更多..)
断裂伸长率 : 1.3,1.86,拉伸强度 : 172,83,密度 : 1.81,1.62,热变形温度 : 260,熔体流动速率 : 400,130,外观颜色 : 灰白色,白灰色,弯曲强度 : 130,吸水率 : 0.02,硬度 : 101,用途级别 : 纤维,规格级别 : 玻纤增强,弯曲模量 : 9000,缺口冲击强度 : 10,3.6,成型收缩率 : 0.5,0.0025,阻燃等级 : 0,特性级别 : 增强级,用途:制作耐高温高刚性外饰件、电器仪表外壳、医疗器械用配件、牙科用器械。 备注:玻璃纤维增强材料 尺寸稳定性良好 经润滑 抗溶解性 可加工性,良好 耐磨蚀性,良好 耐磨损性良好 耐热性,高 收缩性低 阻燃性能 (更多..)
拉伸强度 : 141MPa,密度 : 1.58g/cm3,弯曲强度 : 194MPa,规格级别 : 玻纤增强级,弯曲模量 : 9000MPa,缺口冲击强度 : 14, (更多..)
PPS-hGR20 is glass reinforced PPS compound, which is filled with glass fiber based on the PPS resin. The characteristic of PPS compounds includes good mechanical properties, high creep resistance, high temperature resistance, friction resistance, flame resistance, chemical resistance, excellent electrical insulation properties, arc resistance, low mold shrinkage, easy processing good dimensional stability, and radiation resistance.

Owing to its high performance, PPS-hGR20 is widely used in electronic appliances, such as: connectors, sockets, frequency dividers, components and shells of various apparatuses and instruments. PPS can be used to make elements where high strength, high temperature resistance, electrical insulation are all-important in aviation. It is also used for precise appliance plugs, high hardness outer shells, and high temperature resistant parts in military. (更多..)
PPS/PTFE-hGR203 is lubricant PPS compound, which is filled with glass fiber, PTFE and ingredients based on the PPS resin. It shows solvent resistance, abrasive resistance and good mechanic prosperity, high modulus, creep resistance, high-temperature resistance, inherent flame resistance, easy processing, low mold shrinkage, good dimensional stability.

Owing to its high performance, it's widely used in mechanical and chemical industry for making wearable parts/components which work in the high-temperature, high pressure and solvent circumstance. Such as: plastic axle bearing, axle sleeve, textile machine components, components which are used in aero industry. (更多..)
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