材料标识 : PC-V0,颜色 : 本色/Natural colour,厂商品牌 : LEXAN ,用途 : 照明设备,材料特性 : 阻燃.Flame Retardant,无卤素,良好的抗紫外线能力,耐冲击,材料形状 : 颗粒状/Resin,加工方式 : 注射成型/Injection molding, (更多..)
特性级别 : 阻燃级,抗紫外线,用途级别 : 照明灯具,
LEXAN BFL4000U Polycarbonate resin is an injection moldable grade. It contains non-brominated, non-chlorinated flame retardant systems with UL-94 V0 rating and good impact/flow balance. Designed for high light reflectance and light shielding applications with good UV weathering capability. (更多..)
LEXAN BFL4000U Polycarbonate resin is an injection moldable grade. It contains non-brominated, non-chlorinated flame retardant systems with UL-94 V0 rating and good impact/flow balance. Designed for high light reflectance and light shielding applications with good UV weathering capability. (更多..)