它是热塑性弹性体(TPE)系列中的一种硬质、可着色、阻燃的热塑性硫化弹性体 (TPV)。这种材料具有良好的流体阻力,含非醚溴代阻燃剂,不含金属减活剂。 这一牌号的山都平 TPV 是剪切速率依赖型产品,可在常规热塑性注塑成型、挤出 成型、吹塑成型、热成型或真空成型设备上加工。这是一种聚烯烃基材料,可在生 产过程中进行回收利用。 (更多..)
Sipolprene® 25185 B (black color version in dry blend) is an ether ester thermoplastic elastomer (TPC-ET), developed and manufactured by Sipol, with a nominal hardness of Shore D 29, a low modulus, and a rheological behaviour, which makes it suitable for injection moulding and extrusion processing. (更多..)
Sipolprene® 25185 W is an ether ester thermoplastic elastomer (TPC-ET), developed and manufactured by Sipol, with a nominal hardness of Shore D 29, a low modulus, and a rheological behaviour, which makes it suitable for injection moulding and extrusion processing.
Sipolprene® 25185 W comes in a dry blend UV-stabilised version. (更多..) |
Sipolprene® 25185 is an ether ester thermoplastic elastomer (TPC-ET), developed and manufactured by Sipol, with a nominal hardness of Shore D 29, a low modulus, and a rheological behaviour, which makes it suitable for injection moulding and extrusion processing.
Black colour and/or UV stabilised and/or heat stabilised are all available in dry blend version on request. (更多..) |