ALCOM® TCD PA66 5030 14014是一种聚酰胺66(尼龙66)产品,含有的填充物为填料。 它,在北美洲、欧洲或亚太地区有供货。 ALCOM® TCD PA66 5030 14014的应用领域包括工程/工业配件、电气/电子应用、房屋、汽车行业 和 照明设备。
ALTECH® PA6 A 2030/140 GF30 FR是一种聚酰胺6(尼龙6)产品,含有的填充物为30% 玻璃纤维增强材料。 它,在北美洲、欧洲或亚太地区有供货。
PP based Flexible Film for Medical Fluids
Tekniflex® MED 3014-0180 is an unconventionally extruded flexible polypropylene based flexible film that has excellent clarity compared to conventional tubular PP films. The film shows little or no shrink, up to 140°C (284°F) in MD and TD. The film is suitable for steam sterilisation at 121°C, is puncture and tear resistant, heat sealable and has high moisture barrier properties. This film is plasticizer and halogen free. (更多..) |
PP based Flexible Film for Medical Fluids
Tekniflex® MED 3014-0200 is an unconventionally extruded flexible polypropylene based flexible film that has excellent clarity compared to conventional tubular PP films. The film shows little or no shrink, up to 140°C (284°F) in MD and TD. The film is suitable for steam sterilisation at 121°C, is puncture and tear resistant, heat sealable and has high moisture barrier properties. This film is plasticizer and halogen free. (更多..) |