密度 : 1.2g/cm3,熔体流动速率 : 17g/10min,吸水率 : 0.24%,用途级别 : 光学级,规格级别 : 光学,缺口冲击强度 : 64,成型收缩率 : 0.6%,加工级别 : 注塑级,特性级别 : 高抗冲,备注:低粘度
Iupilon® ML-300是一种聚碳酸酯(PC)材料,。 该产品在北美洲、欧洲或亚太地区有供货,加工方式为:注射成型。 Iupilon® ML-300的主要特性为:低粘度。
Iupilon® ML-300的典型应用领域为:汽车行业 (更多..) |
PREPERM® L300 is a special compound with elevated dielectric constants of 3.0.
PREPERM® L300 is based on Premix proprietary PPE technology. Extremely low dissipation factor (0.0005) makes PREPERM® L300 an excellent material for high frequency applications. PREPERM® L300 offers stable dielectric constant over wide frequency and wide temperature range. PREPERM® retains its physical properties at very low (-78°C) temperatures. PREPERM® L300 can be injection moulded or extruded. Applications include structural parts for antennas in base stations, point to point, wlan, mobile phones etc. Devices made out of PREPERM® L300 can operate at very high frequencies as PREPERM® L300 offers stable performance even at 120 GHz. (更多..) |