材料标识 : PBT-GF30%,颜色 : 本色/Natural colour,厂商品牌 : Celanex ,材料特性 : 加工性能良好,材料形状 : 颗粒状/Resin,加工方式 : 注射成型/Injection molding, (更多..)
断裂伸长率 : 2.7%,密度 : 1.53g/cm3,弯曲强度 : 210MPa,吸水率 : 0.07%,规格级别 : 注塑,成型收缩率 : 0.7%,加工级别 : 注塑级,特性级别 : 增韧级,增强级,
Celanex 3309HRLM is a non-lubricated, 30% fiberglass reinforced Polybutylene Terephthalate which has excellent hydrolysis resistance, mechanical properties and processability. It is a lasermarkable grade available in a black color to mark white. The grade is specially formulated to yield crisp marks when subjected to a Nd:YAG laser or equivalent operated at 1064nm or 532nm. Lasers operating in the UV region (355nm) may yield different results. (更多..)