TPU 德国巴斯夫 商品价格以来电报价为准

类型 : 热塑弹性体
品牌 : TPU 德国巴斯夫
种类 : TPU
价格 : 电询   021-58958519
除电话订购外,本产品支持 阿里巴巴诚信通 支付宝交易。
阿里巴巴店铺地址: http://songhanplas.1688.com
  021-58958519     13061808058(蒋先生)   13424755533(赵先生)  
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点击这里给我发消息 上海松翰塑胶


材料标识 : TPU-聚酯,颜色 : 本色/Natural colour,厂商品牌 : Elastollan ,用途 : 工程/工业配件、帽子/盖子/瓶塞、密封应用、软管,材料特性 : 高强度、耐磨,材料形状 : 颗粒状/Resin,加工方式 : 注射成型/Injection molding 挤出成型/Extrusion molding 吹塑成型/Blow molding, (更多..)
断裂伸长率 : 650%,密度 : 1.19g/cm3,硬度 : 82,规格级别 : 耐低温,耐磨注塑,加工级别 : 挤出级,注塑级,特性级别 : 耐磨,耐水解,耐低温,用途:适用于射出、押出 备注:特性:优异机械性能、良好弹性回复力、耐磨、低温柔软性及防潮耐水解性 (更多..)
Nimonic 80A is a Nickel-Chromium alloy which is precipitation hardenable. It has largely been superseded by Nimonic 90 and Inconel X-750, but because of the low Cobalt content, it is still specified for nuclear applications.

  • Good Mechanical Properties at Elevated Temperatures
  • Oxidation Resistant
  • Precipitation Hardenable

Applications include:
  • Gas turbine components
  • Nuclear industry
  • Fasteners
ChronoFlex® C 80A是一种聚氨酯材料,。 该产品在北美洲有供货,加工方式为:挤出。 ChronoFlex® C 80A的主要特性为:耐化学品。

ChronoFlex® C 80A的典型应用领域为:医疗/保健 (更多..)
ChronoFlex C is a family of biodurable aromatic polycarbonate-based thermoplastic urethanes designed to overcome surface degradation such as stress-induced microfissures.

With a long history of reliable performance in both long and short term devices, this medical grade polymer has the versatility to be used across a broad range of applicational areas ranging from oncology and orthopedics to cardiovascular disease management.

These ether-free polyurethane elastomers are biostable and display a low modulus of elasticity, excellent solvent resistance and limited softening in-vivo.

These products are adaptable to most standard manufacturing processes and are available in hardnesses ranging from 75 Shore A to 75 Shore D.

AdvanSource Biomaterials synthesizes and manufactures medical grade materials offering the ability to tailor physical and mechanical characteristics to support and enhance your end product design.

These mechanical characteristic's, critical to the design and development of medical devices, can incorporate a wide range of physical and chemical properties while maintaining core characteristics such as biodurability and biocompatibility. In most materials, specialized characteristics such as the addition of colorant agents or antimicrobial properties (where applicable) can be added to the polymer to provide a homogenous material and limit secondary processing steps.

In addition, radiopaque agents may also be incorporated into the formula to provide additional product enhancements and may contain up to 40%, by weight, of a radiopaque agent thus allowing varied-scale visibility options.

With an expanding range of secondary operations including custom solution development, prototype coating capabilities, and project management services, ASB's expert team of chemists, scientists, engineers and industry professionals assist in every stage of customers' projects, from concept initiation through full-scale manufacture. (更多..)



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