断裂伸长率 : 1.3,1.86,拉伸强度 : 172,83,密度 : 1.81,1.62,热变形温度 : 260,熔体流动速率 : 400,130,外观颜色 : 灰白色,白灰色,弯曲强度 : 130,吸水率 : 0.02,硬度 : 101,用途级别 : 填充级,纤维,规格级别 : 玻纤增强,弯曲模量 : 9000,缺口冲击强度 : 10,3.6,成型收缩率 : 0.5,0.0025,阻燃等级 : 0,特性级别 : 耐磨,增强级,耐水解,耐高温,用途:制作耐高温高刚性外饰件、电器仪表外壳、医疗器械用配件、牙科用器械。
备注:玻璃纤维增强材料 经润滑 抗溶解性 可加工性,良好 良好的抗蠕变性 耐磨蚀性,良好 耐磨损性良好 耐热性,高 收缩性低 阻燃性能
PPS/PTFE-hGR312 is lubricant PPS compound, which is filled with glass fiber, PTFE and ingredients based on the PPS resin. It shows abrasive resistance, solvent resistance and good mechanic prosperity, high modulus, creep resistance, high-temperature resistance, inherent flame resistance, easy processing, low mold shrinkage.
Owing to its high performance, it's widely used in chemical and medical industry for making wearing pieces in corrosive solvent condition of high temperature, high pressure and corrosive solvent. It also can be used to make plastic axle sleeve, axle bearing and slide block in mechanical industry. (更多..) |