材料标识 : PA66-V0,颜色 : 本色/Natural colour,UL编号 : E48285,厂商品牌 : Leona ,用途 : 电子电气,连接器等,材料特性 : 无卤阻燃,低磷或无。,材料形状 : 颗粒状/Resin,加工方式 : 注射成型/Injection molding, (更多..)
用途级别 : 汽车部件,电子电器部件,照明灯具,运动器材,家电部件,加工级别 : 注塑级,特性级别 : 阻燃级,增强级,热稳定性,耐高温,
备注:阻燃等级UL94 V-0;不含卤素和磷。增强的抗焊接热性能。
特性级别 : 阻燃级,
It is an additive flame retardant developed for applications such as PP, HIPS to reach class V-2 according to the UL 94 standard, with outstanding
UV and light stability. It is designed initially to provide an answer in the fast growing and developing field of PP, where the market was in need of a new more sophisticated flame retardant. The combination of both a high bromine content (70%) and phosphorous (3%) contributes to its excellent flame retardant efficiency. (更多..) |
FR-370 is an additive flame retardant developed for applications such as PP and HIPS to reach class V-2 according to the UL 94 standard, with outstanding UV and light stability. It was designed initially to provide an answer in the fast growing and developing field of PP, where the market was in need of a new more sophisticated flame retardant. The combination of both a high bromine content (70%) and phosphorous (3%) contributes to its excellent flame retardant efficiency. The chemical structure of the brominated part is responsible for its excellent UV and light stability leading to a good appearance of the molded part. The high melting temperature of FR-370 (181°C) permits production of highly filled masterbatch concentrates. In addition as FR-370 is melt blendable and melts at the processing temperature of PP, it is easy to process and can improve flowability. It solves the previously unanswered problem of blooming in flame retardant grades of PP. (更多..)