APEX® 3201-80NT是一种易弯曲的聚氯乙烯材料,。 该产品在北美洲、非洲和中东、拉丁美洲、欧洲或亚太地区有供货,加工方式为:注射成型。
APEX® 3201-80NT的主要特性有:
Monprene RG-20180 is specifically designed for regulated applications including food contact, toys, and children's products. This grade is suitable for extrusion. Monprene RG-20180 complies with various US FDA and European regulations and directives for food contact and toy safety. Please contact Teknor Apex for a regulatory compliance letter.
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ROSCOM PVC 201-80 Clear 01 is a flexible vinyl formulation designed for injection molding and extrusion. It is the compound of choice when ABSOLUTE CLARITY and HIGH GLOSS are required. PVC 201 is noted for high heat stability, good flow, and easy processing. Typical applications range from safety goggles to automotive and toy parts to extrude tubing and profiles. (更多..)
Warning: The status of this material is 'Commercial: Limited Issue'
The data for this material has not been recently verified. Please contact RTP Company for current information prior to specifying this grade. (更多..) |
它是热塑性弹性体(TPE)系列中的一种软质、可着色、通用型热塑性硫化弹性体 (TPV)。这种材料同时具有良好的物理性质和耐化学性,适用于广泛的领域。这 一牌号的山都平 TPV 是剪切速率依赖型产品,可在常规热塑性注塑成型、挤出成 型、吹塑成型、热成型或真空成型设备上加工。这是一种聚烯烃基材料,可在生产 过程中进行回收利用。 (更多..)