Terblend N NG-02 UV is an 8% glass fiber reinforced (UV stabilized) ABS/PA blend with enhanced dimensional stability and rigidity. (更多..)
Terblend® N NG-02是一种丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯 + 尼龙(ABS+尼龙)产品,含有的填充物为8.0% 玻璃纤维增强材料。 它,在北美洲、非洲和中东、拉丁美洲、欧洲或亚太地区有供货。 典型应用领域为:汽车行业。 (更多..)
Terblend N NG-02 EF is an 8% glass fiber reinforced UV-stabilized ABS/PA blend with enhanced dimensional stability, rigidity and high flowability. (更多..)
VIBATAN GP BLACK LASER MARKING 02857 is a compositi on of a special pearly black pigment in ethylene copolymer. Application: VIBATAN GP BLACK LASER MARKING 02857 is suitable for indelibly marking end- products, thus avoiding erasures and blurs which occur using the traditional printing ink process. VIBATAN GP BLACK LASER MARKING 02857 contains a special pigment sensitive to a laser ray, which therefore secures indelible inscriptions or marks on the end product (manufactured using the main transformation processes such as extrusion and injection or blowing moulding). VIBATAN GP BLACK LASER MARKING 02857 only produces white inscriptions and can be used only with black colour end-products. A good marking not only depends on the quality and quantity of the chosen additive, but also on the type of laser and on the power of the ray; this is why preliminary tests are suggested. (更多..) |
VIBATAN M-PE ANTIBLOCKING 02056 is a dispersion of ultramicronized synthetic silica in special metallocene polymer, free from waxes or any other lubricating agent. Application: VIBATAN M-PE ANTIBLOCKING 02056 is suggested for polyolefin film extrusion, even with a very low thickness; it aids in the formation of microwrinkling on the film surface and drastically reduces the areas of contact, thus securing an optimum releasing effect of the film, both during extrusion and winding. VIBATAN M-PE ANTIBLOCKING 02056 is ideal in the production of films which need to keep a very high level of transparency . (更多..) |