材料标识 : PPS-(GB-MD)53%-V0,颜色 : 本色/Natural colour,UL编号 : E107854,厂商品牌 : Fortron ,用途 : 汽车行业,电气/电子应用,工程/工业配件,材料特性 : 阻燃,抗蠕变,良好的刚度,耐化学品,材料形状 : 颗粒状/Resin,加工方式 : 挤出成型/Extrusion molding, (更多..)
加工级别 : 注塑级,特性级别 : 阻燃级,耐高温,用途级别 : 汽车部件,电子电器部件,
Fortron 4184L4 is the strongest and toughest glass/mineral reinforced product available. It offers excellent heat resistance at high loads and good chemical resistance. The electrical properties are excellent and the product is inherently flame-retardant. This product also offers low creep resistance and good rigidity due to the mineral content. Applications made of this grade include electronic components (i.e. bobbins, connectors and solenoid valves). (更多..)