LNP VERTON RV00AE is a compound based on Nylon 66 containing 50% Long Glass Fiber. Added features of this grade include: Easy Molding, Structural.
Also known as: LNP* VERTON* Compound RF-700-10-EM Product reorder name: RV00AE (更多..) |
LNP VERTON RV00AE is a compound based on PA 66 rsin containing Long Glass Fiber. Added features include; Easy Molding.
Also known as: LNP* VERTON* Compound RF-700-10 EM Product reorder name: RV00AE (更多..) |
LNP VERTON* RV00AES is a compound based on Nylon 66 resin containing 50% Long Glass Fiber. Added features of this material include: Easy Molding, Heat Stabilized, Structural.
Also known as: LNP* VERTON* Compound RF-700-10 EM HS Product reorder name: RV00AES (更多..) |
LNP VERTON* RV00AES is a compound based on Nylon 66 resin containing Long Glass. Added features of this material include: Easy Molding.
Also known as: LNP* VERTON* Compound RF-700-10 EM HS Product reorder name: RV00AES (更多..) |