ATI Titanium ATI 425®-MIL

牌号ATI Titanium ATI 425®-MIL
厂家Allegheny Technologies Incorporated
介绍ATI 425®-MIL Alloy is a high strength, titanium alloy available in a variety of product forms, including ballistic grade plate and coldrolled coil or sheet. ATI 425®-MIL Alloy was originally developed for ballistic armor applications and exceeds both the ballistic requirements and strength requirements of MIL-DTL-46077 titanium armor plate. ATI 425®-MIL Alloy is characterized as a class 4 armor plate by MIL-DTL-46077.

ATI 425®-MIL Alloy is an alpha-beta titanium alloy that uses iron and vanadium as beta stabilizers as well as aluminum as an alpha stabilizer. The lower aluminum and vanadium contents and higher oxygen and iron contents give ATI 425®-MIL Alloy a unique combination of ductility and tensile strength.

The combination of strength and ductility found in ATI 425®-MIL Alloy makes it useful for applications that require bending and forming. Those parts can be easily manufactured while still having superior strength compared to parts made with similarly formable low alloy grades of titanium or comparable strength to titanium ballistic plate with less formability.

ATI 425®-MIL Alloy in the cold-rolled titanium coil or sheet product forms provides advantages that come from continuous processing that are not available in pack-rolled sheet. For example, ATI 425®-MIL Alloy cold rolled product has better gauge tolerance and surface finish than pack rolled sheet and is available in lengths ranging from cut sheet to coil. Tight gauge tolerances available in rolled coil could reduce part-to-part variation in production compared to using pack-rolled sheet. Coil length products are generally not available in other titanium alloys with tensile strength exceeding 130 ksi (896MPa) and ductility exceeding 10% elongation.
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