Acme-Hardesty Co. Rubber Grade Stearic Acid Vegetable

牌号Acme-Hardesty Co. Rubber Grade Stearic Acid Vegetable
厂家Acme Hardesty Co.
分类Slip Agent / Lubricant / Mold Release / Processing Aid
介绍Acme-Hardesty is a supplier and reseller of Rubber Grade Stearic Acid from both veg and tallow sources. The veg-based, renewable (from Palm Oil) Oleochemicals and Glycerine sold by Acme-Hardesty Co are non-GMO, allergen free, BSE free and from RSPO members. The Rubber Grade Stearic has a lower C18 content than the other Stearics we offer, ranging between 20 and 55%. Its primary uses are in more industrial type applications. If you need a higher stearic content, check out our 70% Stearic Acid or our 90% Stearic Acid. Get information on the many uses of Rubber Grade Stearic Acid below and contact us for pricing and availability on pallet quantities or, for less than pallet quantities, visit our Online Store where you can buy this product in 50# bags.
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Acme Hardesty Co. 产品展示 种类
Acme-Hardesty Co. Ethylene Bis-Stearamide (EBS) Standard SF Slip Agent / Lubricant / Mold Release / Processing Aid
Acme-Hardesty Co. Glycerine 99.5% Technical Slip Agent / Lubricant / Mold Release / Processing Aid
Acme-Hardesty Co. Castor Wax MP 70 Slip Agent / Lubricant / Mold Release / Processing Aid
Acme-Hardesty Co. Coconut Fatty Acid 746 FGK Slip Agent / Lubricant / Mold Release / Processing Aid
Acme-Hardesty Co. Distilled Palm Kernel Fatty Acid Slip Agent / Lubricant / Mold Release / Processing Aid
Acme-Hardesty Co. Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) 200 Slip Agent / Lubricant / Mold Release / Processing Aid
Acme-Hardesty Co. Calcium Stearate NF Kosher Slip Agent / Lubricant / Mold Release / Processing Aid
Acme-Hardesty Co. Rubber Grade Stearic Acid 60R Tallow Slip Agent / Lubricant / Mold Release / Processing Aid
Acme-Hardesty Co. Calcium Stearate Tallow Slip Agent / Lubricant / Mold Release / Processing Aid
Acme-Hardesty Co. Stearic Acid 65% FGK Slip Agent / Lubricant / Mold Release / Processing Aid







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