Electrogalvanized Steel Extra Deep Drawing Steel (EDDS)

牌号Electrogalvanized Steel Extra Deep Drawing Steel (EDDS)
厂家AK Steel Corporation
  • Corrosion Resistance - The zinc coating protects the base metal by providing a barrier to corrosive elements and also by the sacrificial nature of the coating. Ultimate service life depends on coating thickness and the severity of the environment.
  • Excellent Surface Appearance - ZINCGRIP ELECTRASMOOTH Steel has a uniform appearance suitable for the most demanding surface critical applications.
  • Formability - ZINCGRIP ELECTRASMOOTH Steel can be used to produce parts containing simple bends to parts with deep drawing requirements.
  • Paintability - ZINCGRIP ELECTRASMOOTH Steel is readily paintable provided proper pretreatment is performed.
  • Weldability - ZINCGRIP ELECTRASMOOTH Steel can be joined using a variety of accepted welding practices.

Bake Hardenable (BH) grades offer good formabiliy with increased strength from work hardening and subsequent paint/bake cycle.
Bake Hardenable Grades Include: BH 180; BH 210; BH 220; BH 240; BH 250

Dent Resistant (DR) grades offer good formability with increased strength from a high work hardening rate.
Dent Resistant Grades Include: DR 180; DR 190; DR 210

High Strength Low Alloy Steel (HSLAS) Grades Include: 36; 40; 45; 50; 250; 280; 300; 340/350

Extra Deep Drawing Steel (EDDS) - Interstitial Free (I-F) steels.
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