Extir® LN 7000

牌号Extir® LN 7000
厂家Versalis S.p.A.
分类PS (EPS)
介绍Extir LN 7000 belongs to a new expandable product family, the Leonardo Series, with improved processing features: high expandability, high moulding productivity, wide processing area, optimal fusion and mechanical strength, excellent item finishing.
Extir LN 7000 improves the main features of the traditional A 7000, combined with lower steam consumption.
Extir LN 7000 can be used for the production of blocks with low and very low density.

Extir LN 7000 is a versatile product with good thermal insulation and expandability for use in the construction industry.

Typical applications are:
  • low density block for thermal insulation
  • void formers, trough formers and culvert formers cut from blocks
  • boards and profiles for building, to be coupled with plasterboards
  • blocks or slabs for road foundations and civil construction
  • blocks for lightening elements in building
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