High Performance Alloys, Inc. NITRONIC® HPA N30-PLATE-0.25

牌号High Performance Alloys, Inc. NITRONIC® HPA N30-PLATE-0.25
厂家High Performance Alloys, Inc.
介绍Low alloy version of NITRONIC 60, primarily used for abrasion resistance only.

Corrosion and abrasion resistant, tough and durable, Nitronic 30 is the stainless steel for your abrasive needs. Ball mill tests have shown that many application standards, such as AR 500 suffer six to seven times as much metal loss as Nitronic 30.

Economical, low alloy, corrosion resistant, abrasion resistant stainless steel. This is a popular replacement for carbon steel, due to the resistance to outside weather conditions.

Note Abrasive wear is not the same as metal-to-metal wear, or galling. Abrasive wear is caused by objects that slide uncontinuously across a surface. Abrasion is tearing or shearing of the surface, and is best remedied using a low cost material. Corrosion is also a factor in abrasion, as it can lead to faster failure by allowing larger pieces to flake. If you are experiencing these type of failures, see Nitronic 60, or HPAlloys Cobalt 6B.

  • Coal Buckets
  • Hoppers Distributors
  • Ore Separators
  • Barge Liners
  • Refrigerated Trucks
  • Food Processing Equipment
  • Bulk Solid Handling Equipment
  • Sewage Treatment Structures
  • Screens Hoppers
  • Trailer Bedliners
  • ChutesTruck/Bus Frames

Nitronic 30 is highly impact-resistant, which makes it ideal for a range of heavy duty applications. Already proven to be the endurance leader in coal handling equipment and prep plants, Nitronic 30 will last up to twice as long as its nearest competitor.

Selecting the best material for the job goes well beyond the initial price of the material. The maintenance, downtime and replacement costs associated with poor material performance can wreak havoc with production time and budget. Nitronic 30 was engineered with these realities in mind.
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