High Performance Alloys, Inc. Nickel 200-SHEET-0.037

牌号High Performance Alloys, Inc. Nickel 200-SHEET-0.037
厂家High Performance Alloys, Inc.
介绍Commercially pure wrought nickel, good mechanical properties, excellent resistance to many corrosives. Nickel 201 has low carbon (0.02% max.) for applications over 600 °F (315 °C).
Food processing equipment, chemical shipping drums, caustic handling equipment and piping, electronic parts, aerospace and missile components, rocket motor cases, magneto-strictive devices

Commercially pure wrought Nickel with good mechanical properties over a wide range of temperature and excellent resistance to many corrosives, in particular hydroxides.

Good resistance to corrosion in acids and alkalis and is most useful under reducing conditions. Outstanding resistance to caustic alkalis up to and including the molten state. In acid, alkaline and neutral salt solutions the material shows good resistance, but in oxidizing salt solutions severe attack will occur. Resistant to all dry gases at room temperature and in dry chlorine and hydrogen chloride may be used in temperatures up to 550 °C. Resistance to mineral acids varies according to temperature and concentration and whether the solution is aerated or not. Corrosion resistance is better in de-aerated acid.

  • Manufacture and handling of sodium hydroxide, particularly at temperature above 300 °C.
  • Production of viscose rayon. Manufacture of soap.
  • Analine hydrochloride production and in the chlorination of aliphatic hydrocarbons such as benzene, methane and ethane.
  • Manufacture of vinyl chloride monomer.
  • Storage and distribution systems for phenol immunity from any for of attack ensures absolute product purity.
  • Reactors and vessels in which fluorine is generated and reacted with hydrocarbons
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High Performance Alloys, Inc. 产品展示 种类
High Performance Alloys, Inc. INCONEL® 601-BAR-1.5 Nickel
High Performance Alloys, Inc. INCONEL® 600-BAR-1.25 Nickel
High Performance Alloys, Inc. INCONEL® 600-SHEET-0.062 Nickel
High Performance Alloys, Inc. HASTELOY® C-276-BAR-0.625 Nickel
High Performance Alloys, Inc. MONEL® 400-SHEET-0.05 Nickel
High Performance Alloys, Inc. MONEL® 400-BAR-0.5 Nickel
High Performance Alloys, Inc. HASTELOY® C-22A Nickel
High Performance Alloys, Inc. MONEL® K500-BAR-2.25 Nickel
High Performance Alloys, Inc. INCONEL® 600-BAR-1.5 Nickel
High Performance Alloys, Inc. HASTELOY® C-276-HEX-0.437 Nickel







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