Oceanchem Group Limited ZB200

牌号Oceanchem Group Limited ZB200
厂家Oceanchem Group Limited
分类Flame Retardant
介绍Zinc Borate is one multifunctional synergistic flame retardant with Antimony Oxide etc additives in polymers to improve flame retardant performance, it can reduce smoke evolution and adjust the balance of flame retardant properties versus mechanical, electrical and other properties. Zinc Borate is widely used in PVC applications such as carpet, conveyor belt, wire and cable, and in Nylon, PE, PP, epoxy, polyesters, thermoplastic elastomers and rubbers, plastics of halogen free flame retardant systems based on Al(OH)3 and Mg(OH)3, intumescent coating and painting, ceramic glaze, milk glass, decorative paper etc fields. Zinc Borate is also used in wood composite as fungicide to prevent from decay fungi and subterranean termites.
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