Silopren® LSR 1640

牌号Silopren® LSR 1640
厂家Momentive Performance Materials Inc.
分类Silicone Rubber, LSR
介绍Silopren LSR®1640 is a two-component liquid silicone rubber for injection molding processes.LSR 1640 shows in comparison to LSR 1640 a higher productivity, higher transparency, less yellowing and low volatile contents. With this low viscosity LSR, it would be possible to increase productivity by reduce injection time and total cycle time. Also, it is easier to inject into the cavity of the mold which is more complicated designed. In addition, higher transparency and less volatile content make it most suitable for consumer products.

Key Features and Benefits
Vulcanisates consisting of LSR 1640 are distinguished by the following properties:
  • High flowability, low viscosity and short injection time.
  • Low volatiles content
  • Fast cure
  • Excellent mold release
  • Excellent Thermal stability
  • Good rubber-like properties
  • Excellent compression set
  • Excellent resilience
  • High stability to ozone and ultraviolet light
  • Outstanding resistance to ageing
  • Not readily combustible, does not melt or drip
  • Easy-pigmentable with LSR Colour Pastes fulfill the requirement of KTW

Potential Applications
Because of the outstanding properties,LSR 1640 is particularly suitable for the following elastomeric articles: sealing elements, O-rings, stoppers, diaphragms, keypads, bellows, vibration dampers, air vent flaps, switch covers, pressure cookers parts, cable connectors s.o.
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