Stainless Steel 410 Cb

牌号Stainless Steel 410 Cb
厂家AK Steel Corporation
介绍AK Steel 410 Cb is an improved version of standard Type 410 that provides superior characteristics, yet costs no more. By the addition of columbium, properties are improved without altering any of the desirable characteristics of Type 410.

The alloy offers three major advantages over Type 410:
  • Greater ease in heat treating
  • Higher strength and toughness
  • Improved grain size control

When tempering Type 410, rapid changes in hardness can occur with relatively minor changes in time and temperature. For this reason, it is often difficult to obtain uniform, consistent hardness from part to part, especially when heat treating large furnace loads where temperature variations are more likely to exist. AK Steel 410 Cb alleviates that problem because it is not as sensitive to time and temperature variations. Specific hardness ranges can be maintained more consistently.

In the annealed condition, the mechanical properties of AK Steel 410 Cb are about the same as those of Type 410. However, after tempering, the alloy has appreciably higher strength and ductility than Type 410 at both elevated and sub-zero temperatures. Also, the impact strength of AK Steel 410 Cb is significantly higher than Type 410 in most heat-treated conditions.

AK Steel 410 Cb can replace 409 Ni in some flange applications. In addition, it can be used as a replacement wherever Type 410 is specified. In a wide variety of applications that could include exhaust flanges, steam turbine blades, aerospace equipment and flat springs.
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