美国赫斯特 1500-2
PA66 美国泰科纳 商品价格以来电报价为准
类型 : 工程塑料
品牌 : PA66 美国泰科纳
种类 : PA66
价格 : 电询   021-58958519
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阿里巴巴店铺地址: http://songhanplas.1688.com
  021-58958519     13061808058(蒋先生)   13424755533(赵先生)  
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SP Series™ SHP1500-2 is a high molecular weight high density polyethylene (HMWHDPE) polymer in fine particle powder form. These unique materials exhibit very high toughness. SP Series™ materials are pure polyethylene with broad regulatory compliance and contain no residual chemicals or additives that may interfere with some application requirements. SP Series ™ powders are well suited for use in structural paints and coating applications that require anti-slip, structural, or satin and matt finish effects.

Polyethylene Microparticle Powder Summary
Pure High density polyethylene homopolymer polymer in finely sized rounded powder form.

Microparticles are fine particles between aproximately 0.1 and 150 micron (um) in size. Everyone encounters microparicles on a daily basis when exposed to substances found in the natural environment such as pollen, very fine sand, and dust. Visit the University of Utah learning center for an interesting illustration of size and scale found in nature. By comparison, an individual themrmoplastic microparticle as illustrated by the micro photographs below are generally to small to be seen by the naked eye. In large quantities, microparicles are often referred to as micropowders.

Because microparicles are so small in size, they have a large surface-to-volume ratio which can be of great benefit to industry. Aspect ratio, the ratio of its longer dimension to its shorter dimension, can also have a significant impact on application performance. Therefore, size and shape of microparicles are valued for the properties they provide. Plastic microparticles are most often used as a minor component in a formulary product for industry.

Primarily Microparicle Markets for finely sized thermoplastic powders include fiberglass reinforced plastics, cosmetics, inks and toners, paints and coatings, partitioning, textiles and many other industries.

FIPOLDER products are predominantly used as an additive or bonding agent in the manufacture of the following products:
Glass fiber reinforced plastics (SMC, BMC : low shrinkage agent, lubricant)
Plastic-elastomer blends (anti-adhesive)
Paints and varnishes
Dry cell batteries



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