Anti-Yellowing Pearlescent Pigment HG 103 S

牌号Anti-Yellowing Pearlescent Pigment HG 103 S
厂家Huage Technology Co., Ltd
介绍Preventing yellowing reactions effect pearlescent pigment:

The HG S product lines are specially stabilized pigments which guard against yellowing reactions in resins that contain phenolic additives (e. g. antioxidants or UV absorbers). Through the stabilization process, the color properties of HG effect pigment remains unchanged:

The characteristic in the below:
1. Anti-pulverization. It can be greatly improved quality and life-span for latexes and plastics industries.
2. Perfect weather-resistance performance. By compared the insolation of HG S affect pigment and normal pearl pigments, the new products show perfect weather-resistance performance, it's an important improvement for plastic industries.
3. Excellent light and white, especially outstanding anti-yellowing performance for application in plastic
4. Increasing dispersibility and fluidity of the pearl pigment in both polarity resin and non polarity resin system.
5. Good moistureproof performance, increase storage period and decrease dust during application, meet the requirements of eco-protection and labor insurance
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