Carpenter Stainless Type 203

牌号Carpenter Stainless Type 203
厂家Carpenter Technology Corporation
介绍Carpenter Stainless Type 203 may be considered as an alternative to the conventional resulfurized austenitic stainless steel known as Type 303. As noted in the composition, high manganese and copper have been substituted for some of the nickel, resulting in a stable austenitic structure with low magnetic permeability. Physical and mechanical properties are very similar to those of Type 303.

The greatest economic benefit in using Carpenter Stainless Type 203 is for operations using large volumes of small diameter bar stock on long production runs of complex parts, particularly in high technology plants that routinely track costs and have machines capable of running at higher speeds.

Machinability can be evaluated in several ways, including machining speeds, surface finish, and tool life. Depending on the combination of machining operations involved, "good machinability" can mean different things to different customers. Part geometry, print tolerance and surface finish requirements can also influence a customer's definition of "good machinability." Some people prefer Carpenter Stainless Type 203 for its drilling characteristics, while others prefer it where the job permits the use of maximum form turning speeds. In other cases, the alloy's tool life or machined surface finish capabilities are determining factors in its selection.

Applications have included fittings, valve bodies and shafts, automotive hardware, electronics fasteners, and ordnance components.
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