GUARD DOG™ UV531 Light Absorber - Flake

牌号GUARD DOG™ UV531 Light Absorber - Flake
厂家M Chemical Company, Inc.
分类UV Protector / Light Stabilizer
介绍GUARD DOG® UV531(flake or powder) light stabilizer is a derivative of Benzophenone that has exceptionally strong and broad-range of UV absorption properties (UVA315 - 400 nm and UVB290 - 314 nm) throughout the UV spectrum. It is a highly efficient UV absorber and is recommended for thermoset plastics and coatings that function as ultraviolet screens for photosensitive substrates. It offers maximum polymer protection and low color contribution, retards yellowing and loss of physical properties. It is recommended for thick films (> 100 mm)

Applications: Extremely effective in PE (film tape, injection and rotational molding, metallocene), PP (film, tape, fiber, injection molding), TPO, PVC (rigid and flexible), ABS resin, PU, Phenolic resin, Paraffin, Rubber.

Recommended dosage: 0.1 - 1.0% (PE 0.2 - 0.5 wt. %, PP 0.2 - 0.5 wt. %, Rigid PVC 0.5 wt. %, Plasticized PVC 0.5 - 2 wt.%)

Performance Benefits:
  • Strong and broad UV absorption with low color contribution and no losses during processing.
  • Performance synergy with HALS. Does not migrate to the surface.
  • Excellent compatibility with polymers and other stabilizer chemistries, especially with polyolefins
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