牌号GYC GGK-680
厂家Go Yen Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd
分类UV Protector / Light Stabilizer
介绍High Potency Anti-UV for Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomer


GOYENCHEM GGK-680 prevents the processing light and weather induced degradation of polyurethane product.

GOYENCHEM GGK-680 is a high potency type anti-uv and color stabilizer used in polyurethane .Especially suitable for polyurethane-foam?paint?leather?TPU

GOYENCHEM GGK-680 can make your PU products meet the world standard of anti-yellow and UV light test.

GOYENCHEM GGK-680 is used in polyurethane. Especially suitable for thermoplastic polyurethane.

GOYENCHEM GGK-680 prevents degradation of thermoplastic polyurethane from processing, light and weather, especially for discoloration from sunlight. It does not affect initial color of TPU from synthesis process. Adding UV absorber into extruder from TPU synthesis process, the UVA have to drop into extruder between 2/3 to 4/5 of screw length.


  • Low volatility, good heat stable and dose not bring smells to the polymers.

  • Very good compatibility with polyurethane offering homogeneous distribution during processing.

  • Chemical stable, dose not interact with reductant or oxidants used in polymerization or curing process ,including easily added to aliphatic or aromatic pu system

  • Provide no effect on initial color of substrates.

  • Prevents the processing ,light and weather induced degradation of polyurethane product

  • Excellent performance of discolor resistant for polyurethane resin system

  • High UV light stability and heat stability, does not bring smells to the polymers.


GOYENCHEM GGK-680 is used in polyurethanes series such as Reaction lnjection Molding(RIM),Thermoplastic polyurethane(TPU)PUsynthetic leather,cast polyurethanes, PU Sealant , epoxy resin and adhesive System

GOYENCHEM GGK-680 can be used in thermal-plastic polyurethane. In general, it is recommended 0.5 to 1 wt% based on polymer weight.
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